Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:
Dad Related Links:
Dad Makes Star Wars VII Sequel Starring His Kids: Check out this awesome Star Wars VII sequel that a father made starring his own kids. It features some really great special effects, including an iPhone hologram device and lightsaber duel. And to think, I was excited that I made pancakes for my son on Saturday morning. Crap, I need to step things up.
Military Dad Makes Toddler Most Amazing Bedtime Video: A deployed military dad pre-recorded himself reading bedtime stories to his 2-year-old daughter. Performing Farmer Mickey, the dad does such a great job that his sweet daughter may or may not understand that the exchange isn't in real time.
The Other F Word: This revealing and touching film asks what happens when a generation's ultimate anti-authoritarians -- punk rockers -- become society's ultimate authorities -- dads. With a large chorus of punk rock's leading men - Blink-182's Mark Hoppus, Red Hot Chili Peppers' Flea, Rise Against's Tim McIlrath - THE OTHER F WORD follows Jim Lindberg, a 20-year veteran of the skate punk band Pennywise, on his hysterical and moving journey from belting his band's anthem "F--k Authority," to embracing his ultimately authoritarian role in mid-life: fatherhood.
Random Links:
Dare to Fight: Improv in Toronto staged an improv prank in which a lone ninja with a “fight me” sign baited passersby to fight him with a foam sword. Pedestrians who took up the challenge found themselves fighting not just the lone ninja but his concealed army of ninja comrades.
15(ish) Things Worth Knowing About Coffee: A poster containing entertaining stats and facts that most of the world never knew about coffee. Great tidbits to know and share during the upcoming holiday party season!
Lucky Charms Cereal Sifter: Another feeble box of Lucky Charms cereal? No problem, create that most excellent bowl with charms in every bite with this Charms Sifter. The holes are sized to catch most charms, you should be able to sift 90% of them. Your Kids will think you are a Breakfast God.
Craigslist Dating: 1 in 5 relationships start online.For those nights when that one point of compatibility is the only one that matters.
Question of The Week:
From videos to posters to food dispensers, this week's Dadversions theme is: Creativity. Anyone can be creative at any age in any location and at any given moment. Have you gotten your Creativity on recently? If so, please share!