Three years later, the feeling was recreated by the same little boy, now older, more mobile, and fully aware of the world around him. He reached up and grabbed my hand as I walked him to school. He stopped to watch critters crawl across the sidewalk, he told me how the leaves would turn brown after they fall off the trees, and he asked if I would like to play with him at school.
It's by accident that we are close enough to his school that we can walk there when the weather is nice. In our city, you have to get on several waiting lists and take the first opening that comes along. We got lucky, but I didn't know how lucky until my son reached up and grabbed my hand.
Knowing that feeling now, I make it a point to schedule my mornings so I can take that walk. And it's even better when the entire family comes along and we listen to our little guy tell us about the world—through his eyes—using his small but growing vocabulary.
Now, not everyday is as fun as that one particular memory I carry with me. In fact, some are frustrating as I try to get to work on time. And often, the weather makes it more of a trial than a warm and fuzzy moment. But it takes just one good walk to school, however, to make the challenging moments seem trivial.
Walking with kids and/or family seems like a lost routine. Cars, TVs, computers, and hectic schedules seem to have emptied the sidewalks, and with that, perhaps a meaningful page in the book of good memories. I'm glad I accidentally discovered this and would be remiss not to share the value of it with my fellow Stunt Dads. So grab your walking shoes and take the first step toward another fulfilling daddy moment.

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