This weeks app of the week is not 1, not 2, not 3...but 10 apps no (Stunt) Dad should be without.
#10. The Weather Channel - Be proactive instead of reactive with this app. Know when and where the bad weather is gonna strike and be a hero by having an extra pair socks for Jr when that cold front rolls in or save mom from wearing that white shirt when the scattered showers strike... er at least bring the water proof camera.
#9. Open Table - When your sweetheart discovers you're writing a daddy blog and revealing your stupid, non-PC self to the world, you probably will need to take her out for a nice night out starting with drinks and a fancy pants dinner. Open Table will tell you where there is an opening, let you make the reservation and even request the quiet table in the window all from the app.
#8. Pandora - Fill your life with music no matter where you are. Open the app and select your favorite artists or song and Pandora will provide music to your liking. For instance while at dinner you might want to play Mumford and Sons "Little Lion Man" er "I really *&$% it up this time".
#7. Netflix - Netflix is great for kids. It has lots og G and PG options and the ability to set them up with some for a long car ride to your sister in-laws is indispensable.
#6. Google Earth - It's just cool. Think about it you are literally carrying the whole world in your hand.
#5. Phone Aid - Gives infant and not infant CPR instructions as well as first aid information and a hot button to call 911.
#4. - In these times you gotta keep your money on your mind and your mind on your money, or is it your mind on your money and your money on your mind? I don't know, that's why I need Mint. Hookup your accounts and it will tell you where your money is going, suggests ways to save and let you know when you are about to go over rap music budget.
#3. Gorilla Cam - Missed the shot of the Misses in the rainstorm wearing a white t-shirt? Gorilla Cam won't make your iPhone waterproof, but it takes picture taking on the iPhone to a new level and will help you from capturing precious and embarrassing moments. It zooms, crops, times, stop motions and rapid shoots. What more do you want? Oh, ya, waterproof. That's not gonna happen till iPhone 6.
#2. iHandy Flashlight - Remember when men were men and they always had a pocket knife, and a flashlight handy? Well the iPhone still sucks for slicing up an apple but it makes for a handy flashlight with this app.
#1. Star Walk - K, this app can either be used to "school" the kids on the constalations, or provide a great excuse to lay under the stars with the woman you love and cherish. Point it to the sky and it will name the stars and constellations above.
Know any other great apps for dads? Give us a shout in the comments.

Very helpful. Hadn't heard of the phone aid one. Feel safer with it. Of course pandora and gorilla cam ROCK.