She's almost 3 months old and already she has her own thoughts on life.
Just last week, Peek-A-Boo would have my little girl giggling and smiling for nearly 20 minutes. Now, that game seems to be yesterday's news as she turns her head and looks away. I can tell she is done with it and ready for the next great Daddy-Daughter game. I jogged my memory for the games we played with Munch and thought about stealing, err borrowing one for K2. The two that came to mind where:
- Pop! Goes the Squeezal!: I would hold Munch in my arms as we walked around the house and I would hum the familiar tune, grab random, everyday objects and give them a squeeze while (eg, turkey baster, orange, shampoo bottle) shouting, "Look, it's a football. Pop! Goes the Squeezal!"
- This Little Baby: I would hold Munch in my arms as I would recite a revised version of the famous poem as we would hurry from one area to the next. This little baby went to kitchen, this little baby stayed in bed. This little baby liked the basement, this little baby preferred the den. And this little baby went...."waa waa waa" all the way back to bed. And we'd flop onto the bed and giggle for the next ten minutes.
So, Week 12 is going to be all about ideation. And, here are two things I'm planning on doing:
#1: Daddy Life Lessons
My wife would agree, I have short memory. She will say something important, I'll forget about it a week later. I'll say something funny, and I'll forget about it a day later. And when I think of something really inspiring and thoughtful, I usually forget it about an hour later. I usually forget all of these things—unless I write it down. And the most important things that I want to share with my daughter are the things I don't want to forget to tell her about, such as the first five below.
I know she won't be able read it today, tomorrow, or the next, but someday she will; and until then, I'll read it to her. I won't be writing a novel, heck—it may only be a few pages. But, it will be something I made just for her. Something to let her know that Daddy thinks she is pretty darn special. I'm sure it will probably include a princess, a good guy, and a bad guy, but it will still be an original thought, with a clear, important message for her: don't date until you are 21. Just kidding—maybe. Whether it's treat others how you wish to be treated or every action has a consequence or no one will ever measure up to her father, some life lesson will be woven into a story full of horses, knights, and dragons. And when she is old enough to read and laugh at this story, I will turn the tables on her and have her write a story for me.
My wife would agree, I have short memory. She will say something important, I'll forget about it a week later. I'll say something funny, and I'll forget about it a day later. And when I think of something really inspiring and thoughtful, I usually forget it about an hour later. I usually forget all of these things—unless I write it down. And the most important things that I want to share with my daughter are the things I don't want to forget to tell her about, such as the first five below.
- You are beautiful, every hour of every day—and you don't need to lose weight or wear make-up to prove it
- Being mean and bitchy is wasteful energy—life is much more fun when you are smiling, laughing, and being nice to people
- Go for it, always—you'll have plenty of time to daydream and think about the should'ves, would'ves, and could'ves when you retire—so don't do it in your 20s
- Trust is earned and not to be assumed—what you say or what you type is going to be repeated and tweeted to your best friend's cousin's step-sister's neighbor's boyfriend who lives in Europe, in less than 10 minutes
- No one owes you anything—You want to play sports? Practice. You want a scholarship? Study. You want to make a million bucks? You will need to work—hard
I know she won't be able read it today, tomorrow, or the next, but someday she will; and until then, I'll read it to her. I won't be writing a novel, heck—it may only be a few pages. But, it will be something I made just for her. Something to let her know that Daddy thinks she is pretty darn special. I'm sure it will probably include a princess, a good guy, and a bad guy, but it will still be an original thought, with a clear, important message for her: don't date until you are 21. Just kidding—maybe. Whether it's treat others how you wish to be treated or every action has a consequence or no one will ever measure up to her father, some life lesson will be woven into a story full of horses, knights, and dragons. And when she is old enough to read and laugh at this story, I will turn the tables on her and have her write a story for me.
I want to be the best dad possible, looking out for my little girl even when she's not such such a little girl anymore. The world will constantly change and I want to remind of all of things that she needs to know to make that world a little easier, safer, and as enjoyable as possible.
What am I missing? What else could I be doing for my baby girl? What lessons should I remind her of?
What am I missing? What else could I be doing for my baby girl? What lessons should I remind her of?
Check out the previous weeks below...
Week 11: Anticipation
Week 10: Performance
Week 9: Instruction
Week 11: Anticipation
Week 10: Performance
Week 9: Instruction
Week 1: Reminiscence
- Not a parenting blog, not a daddy blog, not a mommy blog — it's a Stunt Dad blog.
- Not a parenting blog, not a daddy blog, not a mommy blog — it's a Stunt Dad blog.

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